Tuesday, September 23, 2008

baby woes

So the one thing that I hate about being pregnant is the fact that you have to eat like every 10 minutes but food all of the sudden is like the worst thing I could put in my mouth. Nothing sounds good nothing tastes good it is miserable. The one time I am allowed to stuff my face and I can’t. Even my favorite chicken green chili salad isn’t doing it for me. Its almost like being a vampire ( I know I am obsessed leave me alone ) they can’t stand human food they can eat it but it tastes like dirt. I however am not looking into drinking blood anytime soon. The other thing that makes me think of a vampire is smell because I can smell every tiny little thing and it drives me nuts, its too bad I can’t have some supper cool power to go along with it…….well creating a baby is a really cool power!


Unknown said...

You have that super power too?! It Rocks!!!

Unknown said...

well if you are anything like me once you get close to the end of your 2nd trimester food starts tasting good again. or maybe you will start craving something specific!