Monday, January 19, 2009

New furniture

yeah i am so glad that we got new furniture we were due for some! we were useing an old water bed frame and had a mattress instead of the waterbed. we got this one on KSL for a great deal.

the best part is how tall this bed is compared to the last i need a step stool just to get into it.


so i went and registered for baby supplies on Saturday and am now totally overwhelmed! its bad that there are so many things to buy, but then there is like 10 brands for every item and it makes it that much harder for a person that can't make up her mind in the first place. i am asking for help anyone that has suggestions on what some of the mucst haves are would be greatly appriciated!

you get the jist

this is pritty much what the babies room is going to look like. it is funny because i saw this bedding pattern at babies r us and loved it then i googled it the other day and found this picture and it is exactly what our room is going to look like except that the walls are a brighter pink. so i think that it is fate that brought me to this bedding and i just have to have it now!!

Monday, January 12, 2009

well i did it

ok these pictures are horrible but i did it.......i colred my hair dark. its not quite black but i still like it.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

What did i get myself into?

well i only have about two months left to go and i am starting to freak out. i have done nothing to prepare yet. there is still so much to do! and of course the whole can i really do this thoughts running through my head! at least we are getting the room ready once that is done then i can relax a little.

here is a update

well we got the walls painted and some of the paneling up. we are going to have black furniture so i hope that it tones done the pink because it is a very bright room right now.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

"Before Pictures"

ok so here is a sort of "before picture" of the babies room, if it were the actaul before picture it would look like a storage room and the closet door would be the normal size.